


Return Cost

For your convenience, return shipping is free for domestic orders within Canada. If you need to return an international order, return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. However, in the rare event of a defective or damaged product, we will cover the return shipping costs.


30 Days to Return

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. That's why we offer a 30-day return policy for our 22k gold jewelry. Starting from the date of delivery, you have 30 days to initiate a return. Simply contact our customer support team with your order details, and we'll guide you through the return process.


Returns and Exchanges

If you decide to return the item within the 30-day period, we will issue a refund to your original payment method upon receipt and inspection of the returned item. If you prefer to exchange the item for a different piece or size, please contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you. Any price differences will be handled accordingly.


Please note that providing detailed terms and conditions on our website ensures clarity for our valued customers. We also recommend reviewing and complying with local regulations and laws regarding the shipping of gold jewelry, especially for international orders.