Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions about our products and services, and we've created our FAQs page to provide you with quick and easy access to answers. From shipping and returns to product details and warranties, our FAQs page covers everything you need to know about shopping with us.

What is 22k gold?

22k gold refers to gold that contains 22 parts of pure gold and 2 parts of other metals, making it 91.67% pure. It is a common purity level for gold jewelry.

Why is 22k gold preferred over 24k gold for jewelry?

24k gold is considered pure gold, but it is too soft for most jewelry purposes. By adding alloy metals, such as copper or silver, to create 22k gold, the jewelry becomes more durable and resistant to wear.

Is 22k gold more valuable than 24k gold?

In terms of purity, 24k gold is considered more valuable since it is the purest form of gold. However, when it comes to jewelry, 22k gold is often preferred due to its durability and ability to hold intricate designs, making it more valuable for practical purposes.

Can 22k gold jewelry tarnish?

While gold itself does not tarnish, the alloy metals used in 22k gold jewelry can react with certain substances, causing a form of tarnish called patina. However, compared to lower-karat gold alloys, 22k gold is less susceptible to tarnishing.

Can I wear 22k gold jewelry every day?

Yes, 22k gold jewelry is suitable for everyday wear. It is more durable than higher-purity gold and can withstand the rigors of regular use. However, keep in mind that delicate or intricate designs may be more prone to damage with frequent wear.

Does 22k gold jewelry require special care?

While 22k gold jewelry is relatively low-maintenance, it is still recommended to take certain precautions. Avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, such as bleach or strong cleaning agents, as they may damage the metal. Regularly clean your jewelry using mild soap and warm water, and store it in a separate pouch or box to prevent scratching.

Is 22k gold jewelry hypoallergenic?

Gold, including 22k gold, is generally hypoallergenic as it does not cause allergic reactions in most people. However, some individuals may have specific allergies or sensitivities to the alloy metals used in the jewelry. If you have known allergies, it's advisable to test the jewelry or consult with a professional before wearing it.

Can I sell or trade my 22k gold jewelry?

Yes, 22k gold jewelry retains its value and can be sold or traded. Gold is a globally recognized and desired precious metal, making it relatively easy to sell. Consider consulting with reputable jewelers or gold buyers to get the best price for your jewelry.

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